So, J Man SUCKS!!
J Man is a little Dweeb!
J Man is a Bleeping, bleeper, bleep, Bleep, Bleeping BLeep! !!!!!
WOW!!!! I FEEL BETTER. Apologies for the potty mouth. This mouth just really needed to go potty on the matter.
J Man is someones son, so for that I will stop calling him names. But he broke her heart in between classes. Couldn't even wait until lunch. Really??!!??
And as her heart was breaking, the wall was starting to crumble.
The wall of secrets.
The little things she kept inside while she was dating him,
but now she will admit.
He had a bit of a jealousy issue.
I already called that one, and was keeping my eye on it
He blamed us (my husband and I) for a lot of stuff.
a.k.a - .
we are the ultimate Cock Blockers. Sorry buddy..... 3 daughters.......
You bet your ass we are blocking!
Sometimes his breath smelled.
Well, ummm, can't help you on that one. Buy your next boyfriend some gum!?
She was embarrassed by some of his outfits.
Unless you are dating a fashionable gay man,(which is a secret strange dream of mine) welcome to the male species. We spend our life embarrassed by some of their outfit choices, and trying to turn them into our very own paper dolls.
'Are you really going to wear shorts out to dinner?'
But the number one secret......
The topper.......
The ice cream on the cake.....
The cherry on the sundae.....
"He said you were a M.I.L.F."
He WHAT!!???
"He said it a few times"
A M.I.L.F.??!!
Ummm, o.k.
"I said to him 'what if I said that about your dad'? So he stopped saying it....... Kinda"
I mean I know your brothers friends have said it to him before....... But I didn't think you girls had to hear it! I mean boys are always egging each other. But your boyfriend? Ewww!
Then I tried to think back to the times I was around J man. Were my pants to tight, was my cleavage showing? Did I open the door accidentally in my bra and underwear?? - the answer is 'NO' , I was just going down the list of possibilities.
Most of the time when I was around him, I was in sweatpants, slippers, jeans, whatever.
Most of the time I was picking them up from a movie at 10:00 p.m. I did not step foot out of the car.
Do I exude M.I.L.Fness from my eyeballs while looking into the rear view mirror asking him if I turn right or left to get into his neighborhood?
Did I exude M.I.L.Fness while standing on the front porch of his house, speaking to his parents to make sure they were going to be home the whole time that the kids were going to be 'studying'?
Did I exude M.I.L.Fness while my husband and I sat on the couch with Jman and my daughter, lecturing them on taking things slow, having respect for our daughter, and the rules of dating our daughter. Was I just super MILFy then??
Should I change my last name to Robinson?
Jman is gone!
Her heart has healed!
I am a M.I.L.F.!
* is it o.k. if there was a teeny, tiny, eensy, weensy, itty, bitty, super duper minuscule, ultra microscopic part of me that was a wee bit flattered?
NO? That is not o.k.?
O.K. I take it back!
Down right disrespectful!
Good Riddance J Man!
* Originally the 'Bleeping Bleeps' were actual BAD words! But I had thought about it, and I have a son. I don't want any mom of a daughter calling him those names.
Did I like Jman? NO
Did I approve of some of his actions? NO
Was he probably just being a typical teenage boy? Well, I guess.
So I turned the bad words into bleeps. Not because I don't cuss. But because I did not feel good cussing out a 16 year old boy.
Now, if a boy ever lays a hand on my daughter, or is verbally abusive.
IT IS ON!!!!!!
No Censoring my feelings on that one!
* Originally the 'Bleeping Bleeps' were actual BAD words! But I had thought about it, and I have a son. I don't want any mom of a daughter calling him those names.
Did I like Jman? NO
Did I approve of some of his actions? NO
Was he probably just being a typical teenage boy? Well, I guess.
So I turned the bad words into bleeps. Not because I don't cuss. But because I did not feel good cussing out a 16 year old boy.
Now, if a boy ever lays a hand on my daughter, or is verbally abusive.
IT IS ON!!!!!!
No Censoring my feelings on that one!